Patriots’ Soapbox 24/7 News Network

Posted by Maggie on  in From the editors

New human eyes are about to open on the universe for us. Imagine our ancient intellectual scientific minds, like Aristotle, Galileo, Da Vinci, and others, that risked religious and political backlash for their inquisitive daring, were they to see what we see, and will see, in our lifetimes.

Earth Sky: Webb set to arrive at its final destination, L2

A body’s distance from the sun, and the speed it maintains to keep that distance, are correlated. There are 5 points in the Earth-sun system where a spacecraft can move at such a speed that the craft stays put relative to the Earth and sun. These are the 5 Lagrange points, shown here. Webb is headed to L2. Image via NASA.

The James Webb Space Telescope’s dramatic unfolding is now complete. On Wednesday (January 19, 2022), engineers finished deploying the individual mirror segments. On Monday, ground teams plan to fire Webb’s thrusters, placing the telescope at its final destination, Lagrange point 2, or L2, some million miles (1.5 million km) away from Earth. NASA TV is scheduled to begin its coverage at mission control at 19 UTC (2 p.m. Eastern) on Monday. There’s also going to be a live event, where experts will be answering questions. That’ll begin at 20 UTC (3 p.m. Eastern) Monday.

The 2 p.m. Eastern broadcast will air live on NASA TV…

Ryan Morrison: Astrophotographer risks eyesight to capture stunning image of Venus

Jonathan Chadwick: Astronomer captures footage of 3,280ft asteroid as it nears Earth

Morgan McFall-Johnsen: Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon may have a secret ocean, revealing a new category of worlds that could host alien life

Isaac Schultz: NASA Has a Zany Plan to Sail to an Asteroid

Monisha Ravisetti: Citizen scientists spot planet the size of Jupiter that NASA algorithms missed

Amanda Kooser: NASA investigates ‘unusual’ carbon signature on Mars: NASA’s Curiosity rover made this drill hole in the Gale Crater on Mars. Scientists found intriguing carbon signatures in some samples the rover has studied

Mike Wall: Curiosity rover finds ‘tantalizing’ signs of ancient Mars life

Eric Mack: NASA satellite spots giant planets on the edge of destruction: Of all the known worlds, three Jupiter-sized gas giants spotted by a NASA satellite will likely become the first to be swallowed and destroyed by their own stars…

Paul Brinkmann: First lunar rovers in decades may explore the moon in 2022 … Um-hmm, CCP China already has atleast one rolling up there, boys and girls.

Alex Ritman: Film Studio to Be Launched in Space in 2024: The SEE-1 studio module, to be attached to a new commercial space station, comes from the company co-producing Tom Cruise’s upcoming space movie. … Yeah, cool, but, exactly what sort of space training will all cast and crew have to undergo in order to be space-ready for months while filming? Not to mention even more space junk and traffic out there that will have to be monitored and controlled from the ground.


~~Many thanks to Maggie and The Universal Spectator for reprint permission.

Posted by Maggie on January 24, 2022 in From the editors New human eyes are about to open on the universe for us. Imagine our ancient intellectual scientific minds, like Aristotle, Galileo, Da Vinci, and others, that risked religious and political backlash for their inquisitive daring, were they to see what we see, and will see, in our lifetimes. Earth Sky: Webb set to…

Posted by Maggie on January 24, 2022 in From the editors New human eyes are about to open on the universe for us. Imagine our ancient intellectual scientific minds, like Aristotle, Galileo, Da Vinci, and others, that risked religious and political backlash for their inquisitive daring, were they to see what we see, and will see, in our lifetimes. Earth Sky: Webb set to…