Happy New Year, Fellow Patriots!

This year has presented substantial challenges for all Americans, but through those challenges, opportunities are revealed. One of those opportunities was, in this our 25th year online, that we grew the ranks of our grassroots Patriot readers by more than 30%. The spirit of Patriotism is alive and well!

As in every year, Patriots were on the frontlines of many battles for Liberty, some won and some lost, but not without leaving all we had on the field.

The ascension of a socialist Democrat Party president, the non compos mentis Joe Biden, and his equally inept sidekick, Kamala Harris, has created the most perilous domestic and foreign policy hazards since the Jimmy Carter era 45 years ago. They rose to power as a result of an unprecedented bulk-mail ballot fraud and the full collusion and compliance of their Leftmedia propagandists and Big Tech First Amendment suppressors.

Biden’s deadly surrender and retreat from Afghanistan was the lowest point in U.S. foreign policy since Vietnam. The pending threats from China and Russia, adversaries Donald Trump clearly had under control, are more significant now than at any time since Ronald Reagan forced the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Domestically, Biden implemented what is, in effect, an open border policy that has resulted in an estimated 2.5 to three million illegal immigrants coming into our nation — a majority of whom will likely become Democrat voters, though Biden’s Latino support is dwindling. In fact, there is a lot of Biden voter buyer’s remorse as reflected in his abysmal public approval ratings.

Predictably and inevitably, the central government’s response to the ChiCom Virus pandemic under the now-authoritarian control of Biden and Anthony Fauci has devolved into mandates that are predicated on 10% science and 90% power accumulation.

And the first week of 2022 will be soaked in anniversary replays of the disgraceful J6 Capitol riot. Of course, the midterm elections will also come soon after the anniversary of Biden’s Afghan debacle, so as anniversaries go…

All that said, we all stand fast and firm against the enemies of Liberty: Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer.

For a look back over the year’s top post, see our yearend Readers’ Choice editions, the “Best of Analysis,” the “Best of Alexander,” and the “Best of Cartoons and Memes.”

Through it all, your Patriot Post team has remained steadfast, first and foremost, in our defense of American Liberty, as we have since day one.

We will remain on that wall, and through this coming year with God’s help and the fraternity of Patriots like you nationwide, will do all within our power to sustain Liberty and extend that blessing to the next generation.

As we reflect on the year past, we are thankful to count millions of Americans among our ranks who are equally devoted to the freedoms endowed by our Creator. And we are humbly grateful for our supporters who keep The Patriot Post the leading grassroots voice for Liberty.

From all of us, Happy New Year! We will return Monday, January 4, with our first edition of 2021.

Mark Alexander

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776


~~Many thanks to Mark Alexander and The Patriot Post for excellent editorials this past year. Enjoy your re-reading and Happy New Year!

This year has presented substantial challenges for all Americans, but through those challenges, opportunities are revealed. One of those opportunities was, in this our 25th year online, that we grew the ranks of our grassroots Patriot readers by more than 30%. The spirit of Patriotism is alive and well! As in every year, Patriots were on the frontlines…

This year has presented substantial challenges for all Americans, but through those challenges, opportunities are revealed. One of those opportunities was, in this our 25th year online, that we grew the ranks of our grassroots Patriot readers by more than 30%. The spirit of Patriotism is alive and well! As in every year, Patriots were on the frontlines…