Merry Christmas to All – Patriots’ Soapbox 24/7 News Network

Soapbox SuperChat

Support Patriots’ Soapbox with a one-time donation!

Your donation will show up on the live stream chat in the top left corner of the screen afterwards.

Thank you for all of your love and support!
We could not do this without you.

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Soapbox SuperChat

Support Patriots’ Soapbox with a one-time donation!

Your donation will show up on the live stream chat in the top left corner of the screen afterwards.

We need your help!

The Evolution is underway! Thank you to all who have supported so far!

Censorship is occuring and will only get worse, help us break the chains of big tech. Support the evolution of Patriots’ Soapbox!

Your donation will go directly into development efforts to allow us to break free from Zoom, Discord, Google’s services, and ultimately, any platform that wishes to censor hard hitting journalism.

We can’t do this without you.

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Soapbox SuperChat Support Patriots’ Soapbox with a one-time donation! Your donation will show up on the live stream chat in the top left corner of the screen afterwards. Thank you for all of your love and support!We could not do this without you. Looking for other donation methods? Click here × Soapbox SuperChat Support Patriots’…

Soapbox SuperChat Support Patriots’ Soapbox with a one-time donation! Your donation will show up on the live stream chat in the top left corner of the screen afterwards. Thank you for all of your love and support!We could not do this without you. Looking for other donation methods? Click here × Soapbox SuperChat Support Patriots’…