My Country ‘Tis of Thee…

By Honey on  in Assault on AmericaElection 2020The Aftermath

I wasn’t political until I was thirty. Until then I was full of love for my country and grateful that I was lucky enough to be born here where I am protected by the law. It didn’t matter whether the government was run by the Democrats or the Republicans. I was secure in the knowledge that every President, and every Governor and Mayor loved the country as I did and wanted what was best for all of the people here.

…Sweet Land of Liberty

We have had some efficient presidents and some less good ones. We have had more successful ones and less perfect ones. We would elect the candidates of the other party when one didn’t do as well as we thought, and then when the other displeased most of us, we changed back.

But we lived in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Teachers taught the three Rs and the news was reported and we were informed. We played, worked and saved for our futures. We believed that if you didn’t have children out of wedlock, if you graduated high school, worked and didn’t take drugs, everyone could achieve the American dream, and each generation could live better than the one before. Parents sacrificed so that their children could have better lives than they had.

…Of Thee I Sing

I became political when I became thirty. I chose conservatism, William Buckley, Whittaker Chambers, anti-Communism and love of Israel. Buckley gave me my political philosophy. Chambers gave me education and important warnings. Israel was our partner in liberty and those who did not support her were enemies just as those who didn’t love America were.

I have never strayed from these principles since then, more than half a century ago. I have never found any reason to.

I read Solzhenitzen, all of The Gulag Archipelago – twice. Egad. How could any thinking person choose Communism?

…Land where our fathers died

How lucky that we have people willing to sacrifice themselves so that we can live in freedom. And now that there is no more draft and only volunteers serve, that is truer than ever.

We are not a tyranny. We are a free country where people desire to fight if our freedom has been threatened. G-d Bless those who sacrifice. When the Second World War broke out and we joined the fight, so many of our young men knew that they had to be a part of the fight. Women helped in auxiliary roles and joined the work force to take the places of those who went to fight.

…Land of the Pilgrims’ Pride

I marvel at the courage and the genius of those who came to this foreign land to escape religious tyranny and braved what they had to to survive, wrote a Declaration to state our grievances against the English Crown, fought a war and miraculously won, and then wrote laws to govern the various states and people who survived to make a life here.

Those brilliant men – how lucky we were in our Founding Fathers. They knew what to put into our laws and what to leave out. How did they do that? And what they wrote for us, with a few amendments over time, was succinct and yet included all we needed to govern ourselves. Brilliant.

We were so lucky.

…From every mountainside

We began in the east of this new land. We expanded further westward as we bought more land and explored the new territory. Brave people who wanted to venture westward went in wagons and fought the elements and Indians and others who did not want our interference.

When the indigenous people themselves came here, was everything unpopulated? Did they have no one to displace?

In history it is a fact that outsiders come in to a new land, trample on those who were there and displace or replace the original inhabitants. What happened here was not unique in history. But then who writes the history gets to decide who the baddies and goodies were.

But at least WE wrote down that “all men are created equal” and our rights come to us from our Creator. So if we displaced people and compensated those remaining from those we displaced, at least we are unique in that they get to live in a free country.

…Let freedom ring

I wasn’t political until I was thirty. Until then I was full of love for my country and grateful that I was lucky enough to be born here where I am protected by the law. It didn’t matter whether the government was run by the Democrats or the Republicans. I was secure in the knowledge that every President, and every Governor and Mayor loved the country as I did and wanted what was best for all of the people here.

But something broke along the way.

There were union revolts.

Minorities were treated badly. The Civil War tried to redress that and it wasn’t until many decades later that most of that was corrected.

There are always the complainers, those who concentrate on what is not perfect and ignore good things that are happening.

No country escapes unscathed.

But I always refer to Buckley’s question – “How are WE doing — compared to everyone else?”

Whittaker Chambers Witness appeared – the seminal book of the 20th Century. No one is educated unless he has read that book.

Kent State happened and suddenly the radicals got quiet for a time.

President Johnson spent fortunes on The Great Society in an effort to erase poverty. He got very little bang for his buck. But did the left notice? No, they doubled down and spent more. That is always the pattern with the left.

Earlier in the 20th Century the poor began to have better lives until lefties decided to “help” with welfare and such which instead caused the destruction of the family among the poor, and which conservatives in congress tried to correct in 1995. And for a time, things again got better for the poor. But then the left came back in power, and – you know the drill …

The “women’s movement” and sexual liberation happened. I have always felt this created the beginning of the end of lots of good things. I have a contrary view. I am not a feminist. Why would I want the ERA; why would I want to disrupt my better than equal status as a woman? I can do what I want, work or stay home. Suddenly, because of this push for equality, women were able to be aggressive about sex just like men. This was thought to be a good thing. I am not so sure.

Women wanted to prove they could become firemen, join the services as equal partners in fighting – ugh. But then men began raping women. So how was this an improvement?

How could we expect fighting men not to be affected by having women alongside them in battle? The natural affinity of men to protect women suddenly is supposed to be discarded, ignored, as women are now equal with men. This is a bad idea, I think, to decide that women are equal to men physically and emotionally. I can’t see the good in that. (And today we are supposed to feel joy that a man who thinks he is a woman can beat any woman in any sport. Ugh, inc.)

The media, which always were liberal leaning are now full-blown advocates for leftist thought.

New sources of news became available with the advent of the computer and blogs. The news became left and right instead of objective. (I still maintain that the news of the right is more honest than the left media. But that’s me.)

Bill Clinton tried to represent himself as more moderate, but then said that he didn’t realize the horrible economy he was handed, and he complained that it will take longer than he thought to balance the budget. Then he said it will take five years; then he said it will take ten years; then he said it will take fifteen years.

Gingrich and Armey with their Contract for America were elected with a huge majority of Republicans in both houses – and they balanced the budget in ONE year.

Dick Morris told Clinton to stay out of Congress’s way and then Clinton took credit for all of the good things the Republican congress got done, welfare reform, and all the rest.

And he was given the credit!

Today the left has so much influence it pervades in colleges, in media, and in public schools. Instead of the three Rs we have CRT and graphic sex and information about transgenderism given to six-year-olds.

Obama was elected and pushed the boundaries further left. Big government in Washington became the preference. But that brought about the Tea Party and, after that, the biggest loss of Democrat lawmakers ever.

Then came Trump. Everything Trump touched he improved, from energy independence, to foreign relationships, to slowing illegal immigration, to much less use of food stamps, to higher earnings, to zero inflation, to a very fast-growing economy. He was a surprise to me. He proved to be the greatest president since Reagan. He won huge support from minorities, taking away many votes from the natural constituencies of the Democrats.

However the left was intent on destroying him and every hope of conservatism succeeding. The liars of the Justice Dept., of the mainstream press, among the Democrats in Congress – all developed destructive stories which were repeated endlessly and became the reigning orthodoxy to paint Trump as a corrupt, lying, tyrannical maniac – projection of what it is the left does all the time.

Some tyrant. He made individual Americans of every demographic richer, and reduced the size and scope of power in Washington making individual Americans freer. Some tyrant.

Still the constantly repeated lies held sway.

Recently has appeared a collection of Marxist noisemakers – radicals who proudly want to tear down our history, take down all that has been so zealously guarded. Usually, they would be a fad and then be pushed back.

But now we have leftist mayors and governors giving them free reign and they are destroying businesses and whole cities. We have lenient leftist DA’s putting criminals back on the streets. We have violence in the streets in these leftist run cities breaking all past records of murders and thefts.

We have an open border with record breaking numbers of illegals coming in, with all kinds of diseases left unchecked. When my grandparents came into the U.S. legally, if they had a mere cold, they were sent back. These illegals are full of drug and sex traffickers, gangs, and perhaps, terrorists. very few I am guessing are coming to escape tyranny. Their shoes are too new.

And now we have Covid. And this became the left’s chance to take back power. Election laws were altered in the battleground states. They went against the Constitution and overrode the state legislatures – and we got Biden and Harris.

But the happiness of the left hasn’t been long lasting. Things have not worked out as they envisioned. But instead of realizing that leftism doesn’t work, they still obsess over Trump and with help from Democrats in Congress and the left media, they ignore the horrors of the choices of this administration, from Afghanistan to pipelines and grotesque spending and printing of money, leading to inflation and ruination.

Whereas everything Trump touched led to great success, it is obvious that everything Biden touches reeks of failure.

…Let freedom ring?

Hell no, says the left.

The thing is if this Congress ever gets to pass that Build Back Better bill, we are cooked economically.

But worse if they ever pass that “For the People Act” in any form, we will become a full-blown Communist country in minutes. We must not let that happen.

I wasn’t political until I was thirty. Until then I was full of love for my country and grateful that I was lucky enough to be born here where I am protected by the law. It didn’t matter whether the government was run by the Democrats or the Republicans. I was secure in the knowledge that every President, and every Governor and Mayor loved the country as I did and wanted what was best for all of the people here.

But that is not the case now. The left is poised to take it all and change this country forever for the worst.


My beloved country ’tis of thee I sing. Sweet land of liberty. But only if we fight the lying bastards of the left who want to “fundamentally change” the marvelous freedom we have in America.


~~Many thanks to Honey for this, and to The Universal Spectator for reprint permission.

By Honey on December 21, 2021 in Assault on America, Election 2020, The Aftermath I wasn’t political until I was thirty. Until then I was full of love for my country and grateful that I was lucky enough to be born here where I am protected by the law. It didn’t matter whether the government was run by the Democrats or…

By Honey on December 21, 2021 in Assault on America, Election 2020, The Aftermath I wasn’t political until I was thirty. Until then I was full of love for my country and grateful that I was lucky enough to be born here where I am protected by the law. It didn’t matter whether the government was run by the Democrats or…